Happiness Tips
Happiness is something we strive for all our lives and sometimes it feels an ocean away and sometimes when you are happy you some how want to be happier, it's like a moveable goal we never seem to be satisfied with.
So I have put together a few little ways to bring happiness into your life one small step at a time, sometimes so imperceptible or these and just fun, that eventually you don't even notice you are smiling more, feel slightly lighter in your heart and soul, until one day you find the moveable goal disappears to some other place as you are just happy all the time.
1. Setting Boundaries
Learn the art of saying yes or no, depending on how you feel, dont let obligation get in the way. Listen to what you want and answer accordingly and don't be ashamed to go against the grain. When you set your boundaries, others will follow and respect them.
2. Self Care
A lost art for some but try to take some time out for yourself, whether that pampering with a face mask or having a snooze, having a bath, listening to music, reading. Something in which its all about you and no one else.
3. Affirmations to remove negativity
Repeat after me - I am great, I am amazing, I can do this.
4. Bring nature into your home
Whether its plants, flowers, growing your own veg patch, adding plants to your garden terrace or bathroom. Greenery will instantly uplift your mood, bring a sense of calm to your being and allow your happiness to thrive.
5. Get some vitamin D
Especially in Lockdown, we have limited amount of outside time so vitamin D is difficult to find, you can get it in vegetables and other food staples, however the best way is 15 mins of daylight providing you dont cook yourself ( we are not looking to tan, just warm the skin). Alternatively taking supplements at this time is well worth the investment to regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and facilitating normal immune system function.
6. Eat Dark Chocolate ( You knew this would be in here!)
Small quantities every day is great to book serotonin levels in the brain - assimilating the love feeling, it boosts morale, makes us happy and puts us on a better mental plain, all without the worry of weight gain. Daily allowance est 10-30g per day. Try 80Noir Ultra mini bars - perfect for that happy mood boost.
7. Make a Bucket list
If you haven't already, at least think about what you would like to do come what may, don't think about the *how* or *when* exactly, nothing more than what you want to do...start them small and then go mad, the bigger the better. From learning a new course to getting to base camp at Everest. From dying your hair red to bungeeing jumping in New Zealand. Whatever it is, put it down there. Looking forward to exciting things, has the same impact as actually going on them.. Ever noticed how you are immediately happy with you start looking at holidays?
8. Creative Release
Listen to music to drown out negative thoughts, the louder the better, the cheesier the happier you will feel and if you feel like it, dance around too. If its not music, read a book, delve into adventure, romance, history, love, whatever takes your fancy, and if its not reading. Find some paints, and whether its actual painting of your house or a picture, be creative - let the juices flow and see what fun you can have. I promise being creative is a wonderful way to improve happiness.
9. Pay it Forward
Helping other people is always a good one for the soul, whether its helping those who are vulnerable, by dropping of groceries, or making extra food and leaving it for your neighbour to have a treat, or spending time with friends, paying for families food bills if you are fortunate to be able to. Giving time to help others and not expecting anything in return is a wonderful way to increase your happiness.
10. Digital Detox
This may seem impossible now, when human contact is limited but believe me, giving yourself rules when it comes to being on the computer, spending hours on social media and even better removing yourself off computers, phone for a full 24 hours, may feel strange at first but its so relaxing and calming that its worth doing weekly if you can.
11. Fake it, till you make it
Finally, put on a smile - even if you dont feel like it.. laugh even if you want to cry because i promise you can not continue to feel bad when you are laughing or smiling. its physically impossible. so lets see those beautiful smiles.
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