
New Years Day Elixir
The best remedy for the morning after the night before. This is a great energiser, one to add in lost nutrients, vitamin C, immunity boosting greatness and antioxidants to get you started on the right foot for 2021.
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Snickers | Marathons - The perfect bite!
Depending on how old you are, is dependent on what you might call them, for me they will always be a marathon, however, in this case - they can be anything you want since this is a healthier take on the snack bar... Bite size, made with 80Noir Ultra dark chocolate and less ingredients so lets get cracking...
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Chocolate Millionaire Squares
Usually this is something I personally find too sweet and bitty but this version is a take from Detox Kitchen recipe and takes away the uber sickly feel and makes it contain more wholesome ingredients so when you take a bite, there is just bliss and no guilt.
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Double Dark Chocolate Orange Flapjacks

I had a craving for cake, biscuit, something healthy-ish and satisfying and since I had nothing in the house, I scoured my cookbooks and came across flapjacks.. Did I have the ingredients - yes! Was it enough - no! So I added a bit of 80Noir Ultra flair and made these beauties...


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